Analyse the campaign and justify why you feel it is a success using keyAnalyse the campaign and justify why you feel it is a success using key IMC theory and communication insight. T.


Find an exemplar of a successful integrated marketing campaign from the last five years.

Analyse the campaign and justify why you feel it is a success using key IMC theory and

communication insight. Then, pitch how the campaign could be improved. Students’

discussion should be limited to the campaign and the time and environment in which it was


Learning Outcomes Assessed

ULO1: Identify and define key terms, concepts, frameworks and models of marketing


ULO3: Develop an effective integrated marketing communications plan.

ULO4: Conduct communication research in field, analyse and interpret the results.


This report targets the development of students’ ability to identify and further enhance a

successful integrated marketing campaign. It focuses on developing the ability to apply theory

to real-world examples. It also allows students to enhance existing campaigns using IMC

knowledge gain throughout the semester. Students must support this application using a

minimum of 5 journal articles (from sources classified as peer reviewed Journals), and, two

industry reports. Students should demonstrate a clear understanding and articulation of how

scholarly and practical research can be applied to the marketing campaign to demonstrate its

effectiveness. Students should use campaign metrics and consumer feedback available to

demonstrate the effectiveness of the ad, however, this is secondary to the theory application

explaining why the techniques used in the campaign are successful. The campaign can be from
outside Australia but must be in English (not translated or dubbed).

Length: 1500 words (strict word limit)

Critique Content:

• Background

Include the company, product/service, promotional tools, mediums used, and

campaign duration (the campaign can be finished or ongoing)

• Targeting Strategy

o Include a Segmentation Targeting Positioning (STP) framework breakdown the campaign to demonstrate knowledge of successful targeting of intended audience

• Campaign Evaluation

o How does the campaign use means-end laddering to convey the benefits of the product? Include a mental map of the Attributes, Consequences and Values of the campaign

o Discuss any relevant techniques used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the


o Conduct communication research via campaign metrics and/or consumer analysis (e.g. netnographic research, social media comments, forums etc.) to evaluate the success of the campaign

• Pitch- Improvements

Explain how the campaign be improved based on what you have learn about integrated marketing communications throughout the semester

Critique Requirements:

The critique may be structured using headings but must be written in paragraph form
Failing to meet the minimum five journal articles will lead to a 3/30 mark deduction
Failing to meet the minimum two industry reports will lead to a 3/30 mark deduction

Inaccurate Harvard style referencing will lead to a 2/30 mark deduction
Exceeding the word limit will lead to a 2/30 mark deduction. Markers will stop reading once the word limit is reached.
Place all supporting material (campaign screenshots, ad text, consumer feedback,metrics etc.) in an Appendix.

Responses are to be formatted as follows; maximum of 1500 words (strict upper word limit). There is no minimum word limit. The word limit does not include; title page/cover page, subheadings, reference list and in-text citations). Formatting double spacing, 12 pt

Times New Roman or Arial. Paragraph format, normal margins. Full Harvard-author date referencing is required. No footnotes. There is no maximum number of journal articles.

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