Reflect on a service failure that you have experienced that was ‘recovered’ by the organisation in an effort to gain back your confidence with their services.



Question 1 (Compulsory)
‘Rent an outfit’ is considered a relatively new service that might be prone to multiple pre-purchase risks perceived by customers. Identify at least four types of risk that customers might be concerned about (at the pre-purchase stage of the buying process), provide one example for each risk identified, and devise strategies that management may apply to minimise each identified risk. (2.5 marks for each type of risk discussed)

Type your response here:
Type of Risk Examples Risk Minimisation Strategies

Long-Answer Questions
Answer ANY THREE (3) long-answer questions. Each question is worth 10 marks.

Question 2

Surrounding the core product with supplementary value-adding services is referred to as the augmented product. What could be described as core, facilitating, and supporting services of a child-care center? Refer to the Flower of Service Model (Figure 4.1, page 100 of your textbook) as the base for your argument.


Question 3

Services organisations are often capacity-constrained while facing wide swings in demand. This requires service marketers to constantly manage their organisation’s capacity in order to better match capacity to demand.

You have recently been appointed as the marketing manager of a high-end hot spring spa service in your home city where Covid-lockdowns have occurred almost every two months for the past 18 months. When the lockdown is applied, the service must be closed; but when the lockdown is lifted, the demand for the service dramatically surges.

Outline suitable capacity management strategies for the service when lockdown is applied and when it is lifted. (5 marks)

Outline suitable demand management strategies for the service when lockdown is applied and when it is lifted. (5 marks)


Question 4

Bad working environments often translate into dreadful service where dissatisfied workers treat customers the way they are treated by their managers. Explain the ‘cycle of failure’ within a high-end restaurant context (7 marks) and suggest ways for the organisation to move into the ‘cycle of success’ (3 marks).

Question 5
Reflect on a service failure that you have experienced that was ‘recovered’ by the organisation in an effort to gain back your confidence with their services.

Using Justice Theory as a framework for your discussion, evaluate the organisation’s efforts to recover from the above-mentioned service failure (8 marks). How could the service recovery have been managed more effectively (2 marks)?

Word Count (excluding the questions):


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