Choose two sociological theorists to write a brief biography about.What was happening in society or in their personal lives that might have made them interested in researching or writing about the things they did?Explain

Émile Durkheim & C Wright Mills


Choose two sociological theorists to write a brief biography about (approximately 1.5 – 2 typed single-spaced pages for each of the two theorists).

One theorist must be historical, and one must be contemporary. For each, you need to include a picture of the theorist (even if it’s only a drawing) and a bibliography, showing what sources you used for information.

DO NOT cut and paste from websites into your document (this is plagiarism and a serious academic offence).

This assignment is a typical, but brief research paper using secondary and online sources

For each theorist tell me the following:

(1) a little bit about their lives, when they lived, and where they lived,

(2) what was happening in society at the time (political, social, economic events),

(3) what their major accomplishments were,

(4) what their publications or major works were, and

(5) what they are best known for, (e.g., a major contribution they made to sociology or to the social sciences).


Try to link their theoretical work and/or interests to the social, political, and economic times they lived in, as well as to anything that may be relevant in their personal lives. E.g.,

What was happening in society or in their personal lives that might have made them interested in researching or writing about the things they did?

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