Provide a detailed outline of, and justification for, the methodology and methods employed as well as a reflexive account of the experience of doing the research, making reference to the research methods literature and any appropriate examples of other studies.

Word Length- 5000 words total +/- 10% excluding references,

Assignment Design, gain ethical approval for and undertake a small-scale empirical study, and write up the project methodology.

In your written assignment, provide a detailed outline of, and justification for, the methodology and methods employed as well as a reflexive account of the experience of doing the research, making reference to the research methods literature and any appropriate examples of other studies.

An example structure is as follows:

Introduction (clarification of the focus of the paper, structure of the rest of the assignment)

The research design (research philosophy, general research design/methodology and justification for this)

The research methods (sampling strategy, research method – e.g. semi-structured interviews, data analysis, ethical considerations)

The research experience (a reflexive discussion covering the opportunities and challenges that emerged during the research process)

Conclusion (weaknesses and strengths of the methods used)


Appendices (the documentation you submitted for ethical review. Do NOT include any confidential information such asĀ  signed consent forms or interview transcripts)

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