Using scientific literacy to compare methods of knowing used in the studies, analyze experimental set-up , assess applicability, decide which studies to throw out versus which to use, and then make your educated recommendations in a report.

Hericum Erinaceous (lions Mane) Traditional uses and effects on Alzheimer’s patients

Each Videos crucial to watch and assignments to complete before beginning this project:

Research Rules and Ways of Knowing: Echo Video 8-23
Research Rules: Echo Video 8-25

Stats and How to tell if a study is good or bad: Echo Video 8-28
Echinacea study: Echo Video Nov 1
Library resources: Echo Video Nov 8

How to read a scientific paper: Echo Video Nov 293 stats HW assignments

Choose one health product (herb/supplement/food/nutrient/etc.) or health activity (diet type/yoga/ massage/etc.) and research the scientific knowledge of that product.

Using scientific literacy to compare methods of knowing used in the studies, analyze experimental set-up , assess applicability, decide which studies to throw out versus which to use, and then make your educated recommendations in a report.

You must cite each study within the paper as you mention the study or facts from studies, and include a full literature cited at the end of the report.

You can also discuss traditional uses of your topic (use citations).

Here is an example :

How to Make Immune-Supporting Astragalus Chai

She of course didn’t include her assessment of the bad studies, but you know before she wrote this she went through the literature and threw out the bad ones.

In what you turn in to me, explain which studies you would not include in your decision making and why , and which studies you would include in your decision making and why, and then combine that with traditional uses of your product and tell me what your decision is about your product and how you think it should be used.

Track the hours you spend creating this, because if you ever use it with an actual client or for an actual presentation, they will count as indirect hours.

You can turn your report into a handout, e-book, or monograph for use with clients.

As far as citations, there are a few options:

First, here is Rosalee’s review article that includes how to cite traditional herbal knowledge, and several different citation methods (APA/MLA).

Here are three different examples of how to incorporate citations into your writing.

Use one of them:

1) Subscript/Superscript with full citation at the bottom:

2) A short citation within the article and the full citation source at the bottom of the post:

3) Directly linking to the full citation course as a hyperlink:  and

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