Discuss the four movements of Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 in g minor, K. 550.

Topic: Mozart’s symphony

Paper details:

Discuss the four movements of Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 in g minor, K. 550.

Although it consists of four distinct movements, describe the “journey” that the symphony undertakes over the course of the entire work by reflecting on these questions:

Each movement will pass through a variety of moods as it approaches its climax. In one to two paragraphs (1-2) for each movement, try to summarize the journey of each of the four movements. Use descriptive words (“stormy,” “uncertain,” “joyful,” “sombre,” etc.)

Take note of your personal reaction to the symphony. Have you ever listened to a piece of music this long before? Does investing this much time into a work of art have a larger payoff? Smaller?

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