How might a cut in the college budget impact the vision for the campus?Explain


The SLP assignments for this course ask you to review a case study from Community College Leadership: A Multidimensional Model for Leading Change by Eddy (2010).

Review the case study “Creating a Vision: Strategic Community College,” located in Appendix B on pages 179 – 181.

Respond to the following questions:

• How might a cut in the college budget impact the vision for the campus?

• What impact might there be when a “savior” president comes into a mature college?

• How could you get buy-in to implement the decision-making model in operation at Strategic Community College?

• What is the role of organizational structure and organizational culture in this case study?

• In conclusion, how might this case study reflect your own experience an educational leader?

Or discuss how consideration of this case is useful in your development as an educational leader.

Appendix B: Case Studies in Leadership – Creating a Vision: Strategic Community College (p. 179–181) from:

Eddy, P. L. (2010). Community College Leadership: A Multidimensional Model for Leading Change. Sterling, VA, USA: Stylus Publishing.

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