Pick a country you are interested in learning more about.Formulate a question that you can answer about this topic and how it affects the country you have chosen.

Topic: how water scarcity in Pakistan is one of its biggest issues

Paper details:

Pick a country you are interested in learning more about (not the USA).

Pick a topic we discuss in this course.

Then, formulate a question that you can answer about this topic and how it affects the country you have chosen. The paper is NOT simply a description of the topic in relation to your country (e.g., migration issues in China).

Instead, it should be a critical analysis of the issue with a central claim (e.g., how national identity shapes responses to migration in China).

Your essay should have an argument, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

You should use evidence to support your claims.

Your paper should demonstrate the following:

An excellent grasp of global politics concepts, institutions, and issues that you communicate in your own words. Avoid long block quotations from other authors. Define concepts when you introduce them.

The ability to synthesize complex information in a relatively short amount of space.

An original argument that is supported by evidence.

The use of scholarly and other reputable sources. Your research should go beyond the textbook and assigned readings.

Clear communication, using appropriate grammar and spelling, as well as effective structure.

Appropriate citation of sources and others’ ideas using footnotes or in-text references (either is fine by me), including a full bibliography.

The paper should be around 1000-1500 words.

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