Define your chosen family type and discuss specific information related to each of the 4 societal occasions that have influenced them.

Topic: Research Outline

Paper details:

For your outline, define your chosen family type and discuss specific information related to each of the 4 societal occasions that have influenced them.

Think of your Research Outline as a road map for your final paper, including as much research information as needed to thoroughly discuss the occasions and how they influenced the family type.

The outline should be done in standard research outline format including an introduction, body, and conclusion and be a minimum of one page in length.

Include a Reference page formatted in APA format with any references used in the outline.

For the introduction portion, you need to include your family type and basic information about that family. Then each of the four specific social occasions should be in the Body.

You can’t use relationships, visiting parent plans, or racial discrimination because they are not things that happened in American History that influenced your family. You have to discuss actual specific incidents.

Discussing no-fault divorce is fine because it is a specific occasion, but how did it affect the family type?


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