Compare and Contrast the two historical individuals and argue for which one had the greatest impact in western civilization’s history.

Topic: Focus Persons Essays Alexander the Great & Muhammad

Paper details:

Focus Persons Essays: (100 pts.) (DUE: Monday, November 1st)

Alexander the Great & Muhammad

This student assignment has each student write a “5 Page Essay” on “Key Historical figures” from historical sources from the chapter readings and include the use of TWO OUTSIDE Sources.

The primary objectives are as follows:

Explain who each individual was and analyze what did he or she do to impact their period of history.

Compare and Contrast the two historical individuals and argue for which one had the greatest impact in western civilization’s history.

Each student must attempt to find or connect their “individuals” to a 21st-century ideas, terms, individuals, organizations, events, laws, policies, court cases, etc.

(BE Specific not General)



Demonstrate college-level writing skills.

Indicator – Demonstrate their comprehension of the course material through written communication.

Outcome – Describe how diversity influenced the time period.

Indicator – Differentiate the experiences various groups/subgroups had during or due to an event (s) or time period.

Outcome -Describe how diversity influenced the time period. Indicator – Identity the diverse groups/subgroups involved in a specific historical event or time period.

Outcome -Illustrate the impact of the individual, regardless of socioeconomic position, as participants in the making of history.

Indicator – Detect how individuals impacted an event(s) or time period.

Outcome -Illustrate the impact of the individual, regardless of socioeconomic position, as participants in the making of history.

Indicator – Identify individuals who played significant roles in bringing on or impacting historic events.

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