Research and write a market report analyzing the long-term prospects for a certain class of real estate within a chosen geographic area.

Real Estate Market Analysis


Research and write a market report analyzing the long-term prospects for a certain class of real estate within a chosen geographic area.

The report should analyze how economic, demographic and land use trends are affecting the growth and pricing of the chosen class of real estate and evaluate what opportunities for successful real estate development or investment exist in that marketplace.

The student should choose a class of real estate (residential rental, residential ownership, office buildings, retail, etc.) which interests them.

That class of real estate should be researched and evaluated at the city, county, or metropolitan area level. The student may choose any geographic market area of suitable size (with the exception of New York City).

Note that this is a market study, and is not intended to identify or evaluate a specific site for a specific project. Topics must be approved by the instructor by a date to be announced.

The market report can be imagined to be part of a broader feasibility study that might cover other aspects of a business plan, including financing options, joint venture partners, tax and legal considerations, site selection and site planning, etc.

However, those related issues are not part of this assignment and should be referenced only if relevant to the primary objective of the report.

The report should provide qualitative analysis and quantitative forecasts for the chosen class of real estate over a 5- to 10-year time horizon. The analysis and forecasts should be developed by the student, not excerpted from a research report prepared by a commercial vendor.

The analysis and forecasts should be based on the student’s investigation of economic, demographic and market trends prevailing in the chosen geographic area.

Relevant data for presentation or analysis in the report includes, but is not limited to: job growth by submarket, industry and occupation; business sales and formations; area and household income trends; population growth and distribution; housing or commercial real estate inventory and construction; vacancy rates; and property sales and rental prices.

There is no minimum or maximum length but good reports will typically range from 2,500 to 3,500 words and contain a number of maps/graphs/tables. The projects will be graded on the basis of thoroughness of research, thoughtfulness of analysis, and professionalism of presentation.

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