What are your reflections on this discussion in terms of what health means for your group and what the discussion highlighted?

What does being healthy mean to you?

Being healthy involves:

Enjoying being with my family and friends
Living to an old age
Feeling happy most of the time
Having a job
Hardly ever taking tablets or medication
Being the ideal weight for my height
Taking regular exercise
Feeling at peace with myself
Never smoking
Never suffering from anything worse than a mild cold, flu or stomach upset
Not getting things confused or out of proportion – assessing situations realistically
Being able to adapt easily to big changes in my life such as moving house or a new job
Drinking only moderate amounts of alcohol or none at all
Enjoying my work without too much stress
Having all the parts of my body in good working condition
Getting on well with other people most of the time
Eating the right foods
Enjoying some form of relaxation or recreation

In the first column tick any of the statements that seem to you to be important aspects of ‘being healthy’ to you.

In column two select the six most important of the chosen statements and, if possible, put them in order from 1 (the most important) to 6 (the least important.

Now compare your choices with those of other people in your group. Look at the similarities and differences and discuss the reasons for your choices.

What are your reflections on this discussion in terms of what health means for your group and what the discussion highlighted?

Scriven, A. (2010) Promoting Health: A Practical Guide. London: Bailliere Tindall Elsevier. p4

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