With a focus on the same non-communicable disease you chose for Section A, write a correspondence to an influential policy maker about the non-communicable disease.

Epidemiology of non-communicable diseases

You will be assessed on your knowledge and understanding relating to the epidemiology of non-communicable diseases, including determinants, response and measurement.

Assessment is by means of a 3,000-word essay divided into two sections – Section A (60%) and Section B (40%).

Section A will consist of a case study critically examining the epidemiological processes underpinning the identification, assessment and management of a chosen non-communicable disease (Assesses Learning Outcomes 1 and 2).

With a focus on the same non-communicable disease you chose for Section A, write a correspondence to an influential policy maker about the non-communicable disease.

In the correspondence, you would be expected to critically assess the effectiveness and advocacy for specific interventions to tackle the non-communicable disease or health issue.

You are advised to write in a professional, persuasive manner, utilising your knowledge, skills and experience relating to the topic of choice (Assesses Learning Outcomes 2, 3 and 4).

SECTION A: (2,000 words maximum)

You have been appointed as a Regional Epidemiologist and your manager has asked you to deal with a major non-communicable disease. Describe the epidemiological processes underpinning the identification, assessment and management of the non-communicable disease.

Whilst you may draw on reasonable resources to help you with your task, ensure that the problem itself is specific enough to be of a manageable scale. As a guideline the disease should be affecting a group of individuals whose numbers lies in the hundreds rather than the tens or thousands, all of whom you must be concerned with.

You can adjust the size of your target population which contains the “affected” group accordingly.

It is expected that you would have identified the non-communicable disease early in your course and read sufficiently to enable you to devise a paper that covers the full breadth of the epidemiological issues around determining who it affects, how it affects them, and how the problem can be addressed.

The paper needs to be written as an informed case study from the perspective of explaining the methods, issues, problems and solutions, and should focus on inclusivity of method.

It should contain an account of how any particular assumptions, weaknesses or limitations impinge on usefulness of the epidemiological process.

Note that marks will be awarded for consideration of ALL of the following topic areas:

Title of your case study.

Definition of your target population which should be in the hundreds rather than the tens or thousands.

Definition of the non-communicable disease (case definition) and its reported social, cultural and health significance.

Planning and using epidemiological studies, data and new primary research to identify those affected or/and at risk in your specific, defined population.

Planning and using epidemiology to determine the burden of the non-communicable disease on the specified population and an assessment of needs.

Designing an appropriate method to contain, manage, treat, and reduce the burden of the non-communicable disease on your target population.

Evaluating the impact(s) of the proposed intervention(s) in 6 using epidemiological processes.

An understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your epidemiological approach.

Reference specific documents to support your claims and provide a reference list at the end of your case study.

SECTION B: (1,000 words maximum)

For a named country of your choice, write a letter to the Health Minister, advocating action with the aim of reducing the burden of the non-communicable disease you focused on in Section A.

“Make the case” for action, which would include outlining the burden of non-communicable disease associated with the issue you have chosen, critiquing the current policy situation, as well as providing evidence of public health actions that can be taken (alongside a critique of the evidence base relating to possible interventions).

Reference specific documents to support your claims and provide a reference list in a separate section after the letter.

Format of the essay.

Prepare your essay in a Word document and format it with 1.5 or 2-line spacing with normal margins.

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