Describe the purpose of the specific biochemical tests used in the identification process.

Series of Tests for Unknown bacteria

Unknown Identification

You should be prepared to turn in a report identifying your unknown organism. Out of a possible 50 points you will be graded as follows, and according to your rubric.

Interpretation of your results and identifying your unknown.

Describe the purpose of the specific biochemical tests used in the identification process.

Be sure to indicate what each result means (i.e., blue citrate tube indicates citrate utilization)

Be sure to include any important reagents and the purpose of each.

Conclusion that summarizes the results as well as identifies your unknown.

Paragraph with information on your organism

Include where your organism can be naturally found as well as what type of diseases it may cause.

Cite your sources as well as include a reference page. The references must be done in APA format.

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