Analyze and Improve School Vision, Mission, and Improvement Plan Aligned to Identified Improvement Area.

Topic: Data Management For School Improvement Final Course Research Project

Paper details:

An 8-10 page (body only) research paper (APA) will be completed with the following
requirements: Continuous School Improvement Framework application; identification and focus on one academic area of improvement in one grade level at one specific, not necessarily identified school; a review and revision of a campus vision, and a campus improvement plan focused on the identified academic improvement area.

Include a Title Page, a Table of Contents, an Introduction and Conclusion, References with at least five entries (three must be published 2014 or later), Excel data tables, and data charts and graphs.

I. Organization for Data Management and Continuous School Improvement

A. Define and explain CSI Framework and Planning Cycle
B. Team Selection
1. Leadership Team
2. Data Team
C. Team Coordination
1. Roles and Responsibilities

II. Complete a Campus Continuous Self Assessment (Continuous Improvement
Continuums) {In-class Work}

A. Complete a Campus Continuous Self Assessment (Continuous Improvement
Continuums (CICs)

B. Explain challenges related to CICs

III. Construct a Three-Year School Data Profile

A. 20XX-XX, 20X-XX, 20XX-XX (Excel Table)

1. Student Demographics (Inventory)

2. Teacher Demographics (Inventory)

3. Community Demographics (Inventory)

4. Student Learning (Inventory)

5. School Processes (Inventory)

B. 20XX -XX Comparative School Group Analysis (Excel Table)

IV. Identify academic, staff, and/or student strengths, challenges, and implications (Review Implications Across Data Form)

V. Deep analyses of School 20XX-XX Accountability Data

A. Identify at least one student learning area that needs improvement in one grade

VI. Measure at least one school program or process related to area of improvement

VII. Problem Solving

A. Complete Problem Solving Cycle

B. Identify root causes and hunches (Identify Problem Form)

C. Design a questionnaire for students/staff/parents to identify perceptions related to
problem area

VIII. Identify Solution Through Literature Research

A. Five sources with at least two within two years

B. Create an Early Warning System for Solution Application

IX. Analyze and Improve School Vision, Mission, and Improvement Plan Aligned to Identified Improvement Area

X. Continuous School Improvement Plan Addressing Problem and Solution

A. Organization for Implementation
B. Implementation
1. Professional Learning
2. Resources
3. Structures
C. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment
D. Evaluation of Campus Improvement Plan
E. Include at least one flowchart reflecting improvement
F. Timeline

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