Critically analyse how values influence the way we make sense of climate change in different ways.

Portfolio Part 1: Pre course work

The pre-course work reflects the skills required for the marked submission and is a formal opportunity for your tutor to guide and support you. You will not receive a grade but you will receive written feedback and guidance. The pre-course work also acts as a foundation to the approach of the course.

The assessment details are as follows.

You should answer all three parts of the question (1,000 words + /- 10% plus appendices where appropriate).

See marking matrix on page 6.

1. Critically analyse how values influence the way we make sense of climate change in different ways. You should think of this as a literature review and anchor your discussion in the linked session resources (not slides) and OneList readings. (400 words)

2. Complete the Schwartz Values Survey (SVS) included with the teaching.

Use this as a tool to help you critically reflect on your personal values; the values you prioritise, how those values are shaped by influences and experiences in your life, and how your current actions and behaviour reflect your values.

Use this reflection to help you complete the template table provided on page 5 and include the completed table as your answer. (200 words in the table)

3.Choose a photograph of a place that is personally special to you. Reflect on why it is special to you and try to make explicit links to your values in explaining this. Try to outline how this reflects your ideas of E R S. (100 words)

Note: (i) there are examples within the teaching resource pack of completed exercises and (ii) If you chose to include your answers to the SVS as an appendix, please only include the circumplex map completed with your answers (not the full questionnaire)

General guidance:

• You should Include a brief abstract (up to 250 words) summarising the whole paper (excluded from word count)

• Include a table of contents

• Use the introduction (200 words) to give brief background about yourself that you are willing to share with your tutor.

This should include brief background on the influences that are particularly significant for forming your values related to ERS and your current work role. Then indicate what is to follow in the paper.

• You must base your answer on the teaching and resources provided. A minimum of 90% of references should come from the linked session resources / library OneList.

Any additional references you choose to include should be particularly relevant to the assessment brief.
• You must provide a full reference list in Harvard style at the end of
your paper and include the url address for all references (including the
unique url link to library OneList readings)

• Make sure you include a brief conclusion (100 words) summarising the
key points of your paper.

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