Present a financial analysis that reviews, evaluates and projects the brand’s sales, profit and promotional spend, in relation to that of the other key market players.


The chosen brand is Dyson (household appliances)

The IMC Proposal

This tests the students’ ability to assess current brand performance and evaluate potential for improvement in the brand through the application of IMC.

Writing your IMC Proposal (Part 1)

Marks: 10% of the total module

Words: 3,000 words

This first stage proposal establishes the background that underpins the IMC Plan to come. Its purpose is to set out a clear strategic direction for the company that will then lead to a well-planned, integrated marketing communications campaign.

This submission, which is similar in content to the Marketing and Branding module coursework, enables the course team to evaluate the proposal for its suitability and to make suggestions for changes and amendments to ensure a robust IMC Plan.

You will need to select a marketing sector and a specific brand within it that you can build a future IMC campaign around. You will need to select and define a geographic region.

This should be the UK where you have most experience and knowledge of media and marketing communications, where we have extensive resources and market data and where we have the most specialist supervisors.

In this proposal you will need to consider the marketing of the brand and its future direction. You will need to demonstrate, through a comprehensive situation analysis, an understanding of the market dynamics, the core competition and the brand’s key strengths and weaknesses.

You will need to show comprehension of its branding and positioning as well as its marketing performance, expressed through the marketing mix elements. There needs to be a specific emphasis on how it and its competition have managed their marketing communications to date, including what they actually look like and say (the Content).

From this situation analysis you will need to formulate a credible marketing strategy for the future that needs to consider strategic development for product, for markets and for the brand. Relevant tools such as Ansoff and SWOT should be employed.

We strongly recommend that you do not focus on ideas for new product development or brand extensions, or any significant product change. The best projects tend to be those where the product is good, and suitable for a clearly identified target market, but the IMC plans need adapting and improving.

Any extension, re-positioning, re-branding and/or market changes will need to be explained through analysis of their current problems and a clear rationale for change.

However there is no requirement for any significant change to marketing strategy or to the target market. You may consider an unchanged product, market and brand and simply consider, for this project, how the marketing communications element can be improved for the future.

You will need to present financial analysis that reviews, evaluates and projects the brand’s sales, profit and promotional spend, in relation to that of the other key market players.

The proposal should conclude with clear, quantified marketing objectives and an overview of the core IMC objectives – considering what you plan to achieve through IMC; what message you will develop and an idea of which media will be selected.

The IMC plan does not need detailed quantification at this stage but should indicate an overall budget, and an explanation of how that budget was arrived at.

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