Present an explanation of how the observation was done and presentation of quantitative and qualitative data observed in the area in relation to the UH issue and presented in tables, maps, graphs, pictures and photos; details of social determinants relevant to the UH issue.

Title: Assessment Component 1 – The Urban Health Profile

The Urban Health Profile (1500 words) is a written report. This will be submitted online (on Turnitin) in the form of a written profile (report) of 1500 words.

The Urban Health Profile requires you to focus on two aspects: the practical (observation and data collection) and the theoretical (informed by the wider literature) work on the urban health issue chosen for this Assessment.  You have to choose a relevant urban health issue, choose a local area (neighbourhood) to carry-out the study, and physically observe and collect data from the area for the Profile. You also have to look for scholarly literature published in relation to this urban health issue (this can be from the area and beyond). This literature will inform your analysis and theoretical discussion of the urban health issue and the area studied.

To prepare this Assessment Component 1, you have to take note of the following:

Choose a relevant urban health issue for your Urban Health Profile. This could be the same or different to what you will look at for your Assessment Component 2 (extended urban health report).  Provide a clear rationale why this is an urban health issue and why you have chosen to study the issue in the selected area.  You have to provide clear and full description of the local area (neighbourhood) you have chosen to study.

Present and give an account of the data and information you observed and collected from the local area (or neighbourhood) in relation to the urban health issue you are studying.

This could include various aspects in relation to the area and the urban health issue such as size of the area, population, observation on related determinants (factors) that influence the urban health issue, physical facilities or amenities that are relevant to this issue as resources (e.g. parks; gyms; food outlets  – corner shops, supermarkets, fresh food markets, restaurants, fast food outlets, community centres, housing and accommodation) and health and social service points relevant to this issue.

This part requires you to do a community inventory in relation to the urban health issue you have chosen. You can do this with the help of Google mapping.

Provide an analysis and interpretation of data and information presented in this Profile, commenting on the implications of such data on the urban health issue and population health in the area. In this part, you should be scholarly enough by linking your analysis and interpretation of your local data with the wider literature on this urban health issue.

Therefore, you should be able to suggest relevant recommendations and draw conclusions from your analysis and interpretation of the Profile data that are informed by the wider literature on this urban health issue.

The written Urban Health Profile should include:

a title – reflecting the urban health issue and local area (neighbourhood) studied;

an introduction – signposting the work and providing a description of the urban health issue and the area studied; a clear rationale  for the report to justify why this is an urban health issue and for choosing to study the issue in the chosen area; community profiling of the study area (local area), including any key issue/s observed or known about the area; observation data presentation and description of data and information collection about the urban health issue and the area,

including all place-based characteristics that relate to the urban health issue being studied; discussion, analysis and interpretation of data and information from the Observation about the urban health issue and the area chosen (with strong scholarly reference to the widely published literature on this urban health issue, that is, the discussion should be underpinned by the wider literature on this urban health issue); and suggested relevant recommendations and conclusion that reflect the work covered in the report and the urban health issue and the area studied.

Urban Health Profile Report Outline / Structure

 Relevant Report Title – relevant urban health issue with a complete academic title, population group, the neighbourhood area of study

Introduction –  brief overview (introduction) of the urban health issue and clear signposting that shows how the work is organised

Rationale of the Report – application of key theoretical concepts (UHF, sick city hypothesis, urban health penalty, urban health advantage) to explain and justify why the topic is an urban health issue and the relevance of the local (neighbourhood) area / place chosen to study this UH issue, use of relevant evidential ( epidemiological /statistical) data (of local area, London and /or England/ UK) that help to show the scale, depth and patterns of this urban health problem.

Profiling and Description of the Local Area – use of secondary data/ information about the local area from relevant sources to provide spatial, demographic, socio-economic, key health data / information and details relevant to the UH issue and the area.

The Observation Data – explanation of how the observation was done and presentation of quantitative and qualitative data observed in the area in relation to the UH issue and presented in tables, maps, graphs, pictures and photos; details of social determinants relevant to the UH issue.

Analysis, Interpretation and Discussion of Observation Data Analysis – discussion of observation data and findings linked to relevant evidence in the up-to-date general academic literature on the UH issue. The discussion should be underpinned by relevant literature that relates to this urban health issue, e.g. with respect to its determinants, health implications, interventions and their impact.

Recommendations and Conclusion – recommendations tailored to specific stakeholders with interest in the UH issue in the area and conclusions that recap the key aspects of the report and the work presented about the urban health issue in the area studied.  

References – a list of all resources used to prepare the work, in alphabetical order without numbering and in the Harvard style.       Appendices (if there are any appendices necessary for the work)

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