Define each and state the relevance of each to the field of athlete testing what does an athlete gain from these tests. Give an example of the type of athlete who benefits from this test.

Sport and Exercise Physiology

Autumn lab report:

Difference in V̇O2max and the Ventilatory Threshold Between Elite and Recreational Cyclists

Lab report write-up

The maximum length of the write-up, excluding tables and graphs, is 1500 words ± 10%.

You will be given the data in an Excel spreadsheet to use.

Write up

You are expected to complete a lab report (1,500 words ± 10%) based on your results. This should include FIVE sections:

Introduction (≈600 words) (30%).

In this section you should introduce the reader to the area of interest. In this coursework, the area is maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max)
Gas exchange threshold (GET)
the ‘V slope’ method
incremental exercise testing.

Define each and state the relevance of each to the field of athlete testing what does an athlete gain from these tests. Give an example of the type of athlete who benefits from this test.

Reference journal articles which have performed similar tests describing what they found. Use a funnel approach for the introduction (start broad and finish with the specific aim(s) of your study).

Methods (0%).

This section has been pre-written for you for demonstration and learning purposes so will not be marked. It will describe precisely how data were collected and by what procedure. Results are NOT included in this section.

References are NOT included in this section.


A total of 20 male cyclists; 10 elite level (age: 30 ± 2 years) and 10 club level (age: 31 ± 4 years) from the UK took part in the study. Each participant completed a maximal incremental test to determine V̇O2max and ventilatory threshold. The test started at 30 W with an increment of 30 W each minute until the participant reached volitional exhaustion.

Breath by breath analysis of ventilatory gases was recorded using the Cosmed Quark CPET gas analyser (Cosmed, Italy) and heart rate was measured using a heart rate monitor (Polar, UK). The participant was fitted with a face mask (Hans-Rudolph, Germany) linked to gas turbine and gas line with the Cosmed unit.

Statistical analysis was conducted on SPSS 25 to compare the demographic details and performance measures between the elite and club cyclists using independent samples t-tests.

Results (20%).

This section will be written for you for demonstration and learning purposes and it will show the full data analysis with which you will be working. You will be expected to produce graphs and identify key findings.

See the APA (American Psychological Association) Graphs and Tables guidelines in Weblearn in the ‘Learning materials’ section or online at:

Discussion + Conclusion ≈ 900 words (40%).

Begin by stating the aim(s) of this report

Then state the KEY findings.

Next start to explain your results With reference to the same journal articles you used in the Introduction and compare your findings to them.

Are Elite and Recreational cyclists the same or different?

State why are your findings the same / different to those of referenced studies? Offer a critical analysis of the reasons for differences or similarities.

Are there any limitations to your study methods which you can identify?

Conclusion: State aims, state (very briefly) the key findings, summarise what the findings mean and state implications. This section must be very concise and have impact

– it is the last thing that will be read and must be decisive.

References (10%)

Give a minimum of SIX scientific sources you used to prepare your work. None of these should be internet based and they should all be cited in text.

Use Harvard style when citing references.

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