Identify the likely issues and risks for the business to consider; summarise the procedures the employer must follow to try to implement these changes.

Assignment Essay Question

What legal and other risks is the employer of an app development business with 200 employees (70 male, 100 female & 30 transgender) likely to face, if the business directors decide to implement these changes:

change the status of some of the employees (30 male, 50 female & 20 transgender) so that they sign a contract to state that they are self-employed and work accordingly;

reduce the number of employee roles from 200 to 70, and no longer pay bonuses;

demand that all staff (employees and self-employed) disclose their religion and ethnic origins in order to ensure that they are not required to work during their holy days.


In your answer, you should expect the business to comply with ACAS Codes and guidance.

You should:

identify the likely issues and risks for the business to consider; summarise the procedures the employer must follow to try to implement these changes; refer to statute law that the employer should take into account;

refer to any relevant cases;

outline what claims based on contract law may be started against the business;

outline what claims based on employment law (ie statute law) may be raised;

identify possible penalties the business may face if it does not comply with law;

explain what advisors the employer should contact before implementing their plans.

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