Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of learning can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment.

Theories, Principles and Models in Education and Training


You have recently joined a leading college in the UK as a lecturer in your specialised area. Your program manager has asked you to prepare a report on each question of tasks while performing critical review of literature. Make use of your teaching practice and experience to provide concise and clear critical review. You are also expected to apply these theories and principles in your delivery of the subject.

Note: You are required to review recent articles, books and other relevant literature. Wikipedia is strictly forbidden for references on any part of your answer.

Task 1: You are required to produce a report that:
⦁ Analyse theories, principles and models of learning (200-300 words)

e.g. Theories, principles and models, such as procedural vs. declarative knowledge (Anderson), skills development (Gagne), scaffolding learning (Bruner/Vygotsky), knowing that/knowing how (Ryle), Inductive vs. deductive approaches (Bruner/Ausubel), situated approaches to learning (Lave and Wenger), banking concept of education (Freire), competency based models, learning as change in behaviour, learner-based models (Dewey/Rogers), constructivist approaches, formal vs. non-formal learning (Erraut).

0. Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of learning can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment (200-300 words)

e.g. linking aspects of existing practice with theories, developing teacher’s personal theories of learning, developing competency-based programmes, Individual Learning Plans (ILPS), product-focused learning outcomes, smart targets, applied use of constructivist approaches.

0. Analyse models of learning preferences (200-300 words)

e.g. Honey and Mumford and Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, Coffield et al critique of learning styles, learning preferences dependent on context (Entwistle), Metacognition ability to set explicit, challenging goals, to identify strategies to reach these goals and to monitor progress towards goals.

0. Explain how identifying and taking account of learners’ individual learning preferences enables inclusive teaching, learning and assessment (200-300 words)

e.g. importance of multisensory approach to engage all learners, to challenge their dominant preference to maximise learning, to introduce alternative learning approaches, enabling individuals to see and to question their long-held habitual behaviours (Sadler Smith) and to understand strengths and weaknesses , to develop a range of learning strategies.

Task 2: You are required to produce a report that:

⦁ Analyse theories, principles and models of communication (200-300 words)

e.g. language linked to stages of development (Piaget), role of language on cognitive development (Vygotsky), transactional analysis (Berne), ego states, crossed transactions, interactionist approaches (Bruner), impact of non-verbal body language, elaborate or restricted language code (Bernstein),

0. Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of communication can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment 200-300 words)

e.g. Verbal – use of video to review sessions, use of voice, physical space, crossed transactions impact on behaviour, group vs 1 on 1 interaction, motivational language, feedback on process and product, empowering learners, developing learner communication skills and expression, empathic, responsive.
Non-verbal – awareness of body language, impact of emotion or ego states, script questions to assess accessibility for those with dyslexia or with English as an additional language, accessibility of handouts and digital materials, clear rubric in assessment material for validity of assessment, positive written feedback.

Task 3: You are required to produce a report that:

⦁ Analyse theories, principles and models of assessment (200-300 words)

e.g. initial or diagnostic, learning needs analysis, standardised national assessment, QCA, QCF; measure of skills, aptitude or knowledge; credible and compatible with learning programme, promoting learning, assessment OF learning and FOR learning, part of training cycle, Medal-and-Mission (Petty), check-and-correct, embedded opportunities, integrated or holistic approaches, centrality of formative assessment in teaching, 2-way feedback (Hattie), including questioning approaches (William), e-assessment, e-portofolio.

0. Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of assessment can be applied in assessing learning (200-300 words)

e.g. link between initial and diagnostic assessment and retention and achievement rates, impact on planning and planning assessment schedules, writing of assignment briefs and activities. Formative assessment such as exit cards, traffic light cards, questioning to cause thinking and to maximise learner engagement with questions, diagnostic questioning (Hinge), inclusive questioning, developing strategies for positive constructive feedback.

Task 4: You are required to produce a report that:

⦁ Analyse theories and models of curriculum and development (200-300 words)

e.g. Theories and principles, such as broad – all teaching and learning related (Kelly), Humanist (Rogers, Maslow), Behaviourist (Skinner, Watson), Cognitive (Piaget, Gardner), learner-centred, developmental or progressive (Spiral), creative (Steiner/Waldorf), academic or product based (Stenhouse, Tyler), situational model (Skilbeck), curriculum as process, pyramid or spiral mastery learning (Bloom).

Models, such as national policy, economic, ideological (purpose of education), National Curriculum, Curriculum 2000, Diplomas, Apprenticeships, Sector Skills Councils, professional or vocational standards, intellectual process, inclusive curriculum, flexible, integrated, modular or unit-based, holistic or distance learning, blended learning.

0. Explain ways in which theories and models of curriculum development can be applied in developing curricula in own area of specialism (200-300 words)

e.g. Specialist curricula, such as applying curriculum theories to programme design, meeting requirements of awarding organisation, reflecting appropriate standards, embedded functional skills, study skills, opportunities for vocational and employer experience, variety of approaches, suited to context, building knowledge content, opportunities for development of skills, applied leaning, flexible to encourage learner achievement, linking to achievement, offering learner choice, reflecting timescales and resources, promoting equality and diversity.
Developing curricula, such as use of technology to increase range of approaches to learning and teaching, integration of computers and internet working, interactive learning, making information more accessible, broadening horizons, opportunities for blended learning, supporting leaner study, paperless portfolio, online subject forum.

Task 5: You are required to produce a report that:

⦁ Analyse theories and models of reflection and evaluation (200-300 words)

e.g. Theories, principles and models such as learning styles (Honey and Mumford), reflection-in-action/reflection-on-action (Schon), plan-do-review (Greenaway), reflective cycle (Gibbs), description, reflection, influencing factors, alternative strategies, learning (Johns), new situation, awareness of thoughts, describing situation, analysing knowledge, evaluating relevance and use of knowledge, identifying learning to apply to new experience (Murphy), critical incident approach (Moon, Dewey, Schon, Tripp), critical lenses (Brookfield).

0. Explain ways in which theories and models of reflection and evaluation can be applied to reviewing own practice (200-300 words)

e.g. Reflecting on own practice, such as Scaffolded questioning, analysing personal experiences, SWOT analysis, session evaluation, formal course evaluation, action research, use of critical thinking, questioning choices, problem solving, identifying coping strategies, identifying ways to adapt and improve current practice, identifying sources of best practice, identifying development opportunities, action planning, networking.

Alternatives approaches to reflection, such as recording through audio or video, professional discussion, group reflection using video and web2 technologies, blogs, professional learning networks, action learning sets approach or ‘video clubs’ approach, collaborative approaches, using self-video in own teaching.


⦁ You must Harvard referencing format throughout your work.

Ensure to do the following:

• Include the front-sheet for declaration of your Assignment
• Recommended font-styles (Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman)
• Line spacing: 1.5 or 2.0.
• 5000 words maximum (main body of report) excluding the table of content and reference list.
• Referencing – Similarity index on Turn-it-in should not exceed more than 25%.
• Cite Them Right (Harvard referencing style) – intext citation and reference list in alphabetical order.
• Cite Them Right: The Essential Referencing Guide: 83 (Macmillan Study Skills): Amazon.co.uk: Richard Pears, Graham Shields: 9781352005134: Books

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