From the short-version list of Dr. Dawn’s ten hazards that media consumption present to genuine all-of-life-long worship. Choose three of them  the three that seem to you most urgent.Write a significant comment about each of your three directly on this page.

Following the reading of Marva Dawn, “Why Is Setting Limits” specifically pages 70–71 and 76–84

From the short-version list of Dr. Dawn’s ten hazards that media consumption present to genuine all-of-life-long worship. Choose three of them  the three that seem to you most urgent. You also have the option of choosing one of your three on the basis of significant disagreement with it.

Write a significant comment about each of your three directly on this page.

1. Most media options (obviously) consume time, and that in itself is a problem.

2. Watching television stifles the imagination.

3. “…children who watch television extensively develop smaller brains.”

4. “…television makes us less motivated to think.”

5. There is a dangerously high content of violence and immorality.

6. Television perpetrates our culture’s lack of social intimacy and tenderness.

7. Television fosters greed.

8. Television produces a muddled perception of reality (as in the presentation of “news”).

9. Religion is usually portrayed superficially and with negative bias.

10. Neil Postman describes the “Low Information-Action Ratio.”

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