Research and present the pathophysiology of a common disease to your classmates in class.

Diabetes Mellitus

Common Disease Research Project

For this assignment:

Research and present the pathophysiology of a common disease to your classmates in class. This can be completed with a poster, PowerPoint, and/or video.

The guidelines for this project are as follows:

You will upload a video presenting your disease. You can use a voice over PowerPoint, a video of you explaining the disease, or be creative in creating a video that will show the disease and all the criteria. This must be your own work, no plagiarism will be tolerated.

You will need to cover all 5 of the facets of pathophysiology (must be clear in the presentation)

Pathogenesis (how the disease develops. Be sure to get to the tissue/cellular level with this)

You also need to have a person in your project with the disease presented, and appropriate to the demographics of the particular disease. It may NOT be an example found online. However, you may include pictures found online in your discussion if they will help your peers understand the material.

You must cite at least two medical references for the disease (government web-sites, medical centers, professional organizations, etc. Wikipedia IS NOT acceptable, and neither are personal blogs, etc.)
Here is a brief example (obviously, this is only a BRIEF example of how you might begin your project).

A 15 year old girl is brought to the health care provider by her mother, who is concerned about the girl’s physical sexual development. The girl has only slight amount of breast tissue underneath the nipple area and very sparse axillary and pubic hair growth. She has not started her menses yet. The girl states she is “embarrassed” because she’s “not like the other girls at school.”

After physical exam, CT scan, hormone level testing and genetic testing, the girl is diagnosed with Turner Syndrome. Turner Syndrome is caused by presence of only one x Chromosome. Because of only one x chromosome, estrogen production is less than normal, and secondary sexual development does not occur normally. The female may also be missing a uterus, and/or may only have smears of ovarian tissue.

The girl is started on estrogen therapy, which will be long-term. Her prognosis is for a normal life, although she may not be able to have children if missing a uterus and due to missing hormones from ovaries.

List of diseases to choose from for your project are shown in the graph below or by going to The World Health Organization website.

This graph is taken from The World Health Organization (Links to an external site.) )

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