Write an essay making the argument, following Toulmin’s system, that there is an important problem to be solved.

Writing: an essay of four to six (4 – 6) or more pages.

Write an essay making the argument, following Toulmin’s system, that there is an important problem to be solved. Besides that, you must find the place where the problem exists and learn about both the place and the problem.

Your Audience must provide the best possible opportunity to take that the direct, specific action, the Claim, that you want to persuade them to do. Do not write to “America” or “all students”, for example. The audience may be hostile to your idea.

At a minimum, you must anticipate some resistance so you will need Support, evidence and reasoning, to overcome it. This issue should not be an obvious one such as “Say No To Drugs”. You need a topic that will challenge you to think critically and do significant research.

As part of your research, you must at least have 5 (five) research sources in your References. That does not mean you will simply have five in-text citations but at least that many separate, reliable sources of information, at a minimum. These sources will assist you in establishing the context of the situation, your evidence, and/or the position of your opposition.

We will also require an Abstract of no more than 250 words, on its own page, with the essay and the essay will follow basic APA formatting, including a cover page. Be sure to also use Turnitin.com, as previously directed, through Blackboard.

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