How can healthcare professionals training for Sickle Cell disease be improved?Explain


How can healthcare professionals training for Sickle Cell disease be improved?

2. Background (Learning Outcomes 1 and 2)
The background section should include:
A rationale for the choice of using a research proposal for Sickle cell
How it relates to nursing practice
A critical analysis of a context of nursing practice related
A critical analysis of a contemporary influences
How it relates to sustainability

3. Literature Review (Learning Outcome 3)
The literature review section should include:

The rationale for completing a literature review.

The search strategy used to identify and critically appraise the evidence (referring to tables/ charts that are in the appendix).

A critical analysis and appraisal of the current evidence
Identification of the gaps in the current knowledge to position the research question.

4. Aims and Objectives (Learning Outcome 2)
The aim should outline:

the research question for the intended service improvement initiative

The objectives section should include and evidence-based discussion including:

A clear description of the proposed research

The proposed research design (method / recruitment / participants / ethical considerations)

The strengths of the proposed research design

How rigour will be ensured when conducting the research


List all references cited within your research proposal

Include all the tables and charts used to support the literature review, as a ‘separate’ appendix e.g
Appendix 1: Table of PEO framework
Appendix 2: Databases Used for the Literature Search with Rationale
Appendix 3 etc…


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