“The media causes more harm than good in criminal cases, especially high profile cases.”Discuss

The media causes more harm than good in criminal cases, especially high profile cases.”


Components of the Research Paper:

• Write about existing research: what is already known about the general area of the proposed research.

• The rationale: state why further research is needed and identify the general area of concern.

• Current APA formatting (12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, double- spaced). See the current APA Manual for more details.

• Length of 7–10 pages, not including the title page and reference page.

• Include page numbers according to current APA guidelines.

• Write in third person voice.

• Must include:

o Cover page with the proposal title, student name, course name, and instructor name.

o References Page.

 These are NOT to be counted in the total number of pages.

o You must use a minimum of 3 citations from peer-reviewed journals.

• The electronic file you submit must be named in the following manner:

o lastname first initial_submission type (i.e. rp1 for research paper).

o For example: smithj_rp.doc (this would be J. Smith’s Research Paper).

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