Explain, by way of a central argument, how the experiences of slavery, resistance, and emancipation impacted processes of self-identification for these authors.

Write a 4-5pp (pages) response (double-spaced, 12 point font) to the question below. Your reply should be your own analysis, with an absolute minimum of quotes.

This question covers subject matter, as outlined in the syllabus, from September 28 through October 21. Confine your response to the materials within this period, and make sure that you answer the entire question.


We have now examined slavery, resistance, and freedom throughout the Americas. You have read firsthand, “primary” accounts of these experiences (Equiano, Douglass, Walker, and de los Reyes Castillo Bueno), which provide specific insights into Cuba and North America (although Equiano spent time in many places). You have also read the scholarship of Du Bois and Shepherd/Beckles concerning the post-emancipation period in North America and the English-speaking Caribbean. The Gomez text and lectures contextualize these accounts while addressing experiences elsewhere.

As a result, you are well equipped to make use of primary, secondary, and lecture sources, and to take into account the socio-cultural positioning of Equiano, Douglass, Walker, and de los Reyes Castillo Bueno (for example, three are men; only one is African born; an amanuensis is employed in at least one instance; etc.), in responding to the following:

The Question:

Explain, by way of a central argument, how the experiences of slavery, resistance, and emancipation impacted processes of self-identification for these authors.

Consider “identity” in relation to gender, place of origin, membership in the African diaspora, or some other axis of community/belonging.

Be sure to also take into consideration these authors’ distinct sociopolitical contexts.

Writing Response Papers (from the syllabus)

Response papers should include the following elements:

– a topic statement within the first or second paragraph, specifying your main argument and any subsidiary points, if there are any

– an overview, also within the first or second paragraph, summarizing how the rest of the paper marshals the evidence to support the thesis

– clear organization of information throughout the rest of the paper, in support of the thesis

– a conclusion summarizing the thesis and its support

– proper rendering of such common words as “among” rather than “amongst”; “toward” and “afterward” – as opposed to “towards” and “afterwards”; “twentieth century,” not “20th century,” etc.

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