Apply theory to one of two case studies to critically examine a domain in psychology, comparing and contrasting how it might apply to the situation given.


Explore your understanding of theoretical concepts within the key domains of psychology and your ability to cons ider these in light of an applied issue.

Apply theory to one of two case studies to critically examine a domain in psychology, comparing and contrasting how it might apply to the situation given.

Critically analyse and evaluate key issues inherent the application of the theory, drawing on contemporary literature to support your analysis.

This should be prepared as report with headings and subheadings rather than as an essay.

You should choose one case study and one theory from a key domain and critically
evaluate how the theory might explain the case.

Assignment 2: Case Study

Case Studies

Choose one of the case studies and select a key theory from psychology to explain the situation in the case. You should explore how comprehensive and valid the theory is in explaining the situation, weighing up strengths and weaknesses alongside any key issues in the application of the theory to the case study.

Case study 1: Lindsey

Mr Anderson is teaching an maths class and is having difficulty in keeping the class unde control.
One of his students, Lindsey, arrived late and has been unable to settle into the work that had already begun. Lindsey has been late for several her classes and is known to the teaching staff for her poor attendance and problematic behaviour. Upon her arrival, Mr Anderson questioned why she was late in attending, she became agitated and confrontational. Not wanting to s ituation to escalate, Mr Anderson asked her to go to her seat and pick up from where the class had gotten to.

Assignment 2

Lindsey sat down but was immediately disruptive, laughing and joking with other students nearby. The noise in the class escalated, with other students losing concentration an snickering between themselves and throwing scrunched up balls of paper at each other.

Mr Anderson repeatedly asked the class to focus and pay attention, eventually shouting loudly to bring the class to s ilence. He s ingled out Lindsey for her behaviour and Lindsey became verbally aggressive towards Mr Anderson and was asked to leave the classroom.

Case study 2: Brian

Mrs Porter approaches her GP about her son Brian, who is 25. She recently separated from her husband and they are currently in divorce proceedings. Mrs Porter feels that Brian, who still lives with her, could not live independently even though he has several A-levels and appears to be of ‘normal’ intelligence. Since leaving school Brian has tried to get work but has failed and for the past 6 years has spent most of his time in his bedroom on his computer.

Brian does not go out often, and only buy things for his computer using money that he ‘borrows’ from his mother. He has not signed on for benefits and any attempts to persuade him to do so are met with verbal resistance and inactivity. Mrs Porter describes Brian as a loner who is uninterested in visitors. Brian retires to his room as soon as visitors arrive. She does not know what he does in his room but describes him as ‘obsessed’ with the paranormal. He watches TV alone in his room and not with his mother. He has not spoken to his father for the past 4 years, although she is unclear why.

Mrs Porter worries that Brian cannot look after himself because when she is out he does not come down to eat, even if food is left out for him, and will not spontaneously do things around the house using his initiative, unless she hands him a set of instructions saying he must complete them. When she cut herself cooking and had to go to A&E Brian’s reaction was ‘who is cooking my dinner?’

Brian is the only son in the family. His sister is healthy and is working as a nursery nurse and living with her boyfriend. Brian was teased at school and has always been shy with few friends. Teachers said he was a ‘model pupil’ and very polite. He did well in maths and science, but hated sport. Brian is a silent man, who tends to answer questions in monosyllables and to stare. He looks angry but when asked how he feels he says ‘OK’. When you ask him about his paranormal interests he talks at length.

Brian’s main issue is his social needs.

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