Identify and explain the main contributions of different theoretical perspectives to explain personality and life-span development

An essay that compare and contrast theories of lifespan development and how they account for identity formation for individuals who suffer from any one of the following:

a) Panic Disorder

b) Postpartum Psychosis.

Human development is dynamic, multi linear, and highly plastic in nature. There are many factors that affect its progress. Theoretical perspective has contributed to the exploration of the study of personality and behaviour. Each developmental stages are marked with physical milestones that a human body should achieve. Cognitive and intellectual milestones are achieved through the right balance between biological and environmental influences. As explored in this module, if the balance is disturbed, there are numerous developmental challenges which might need to be dealt with.

Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes:

3 Discuss how individuals adjust to change and challenge across the life span

4 Assess the effect of social influences on developing or modifying behaviour.

5 Identify and explain the main contributions of different theoretical perspectives to explain personality and life-span development

6 Compare and contrast theories of lifespan development.

Your essay should include:

Discuss how individuals adjust to change and challenge across the life span (LO3)

• Highlight with examples some key challenges faced by individuals during different stages of development and this can impact on a person’s behaviour.

Assess the effect of social influences on developing or modifying behaviour. (LO4)

• Assess the effects of various social and cultural influences on development

For example- describe how our identity is influenced by historical time, culture, ethnicity, family background.

Identify and explain the main contributions of different theoretical perspectives to explain personality and life-span development. (LO5)

• Explain psychological (cognitive, behavioural, & psychodynamic) and biological perspectives of development. Also highlight the emerging key debates and issues arising from your discussion. For example- nature and nurture debate

Compare and contrast theories of lifespan development. (LO6)

• Compare and contrast any 2 perspectives described in LO5.

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