Discuss three reasons why it is imperative for your selected organisation to analyse the business environment it faces. Using the PESTEL framework, identify and explain at least five (5) important macro environmental influences currently affecting your chosen organisation.

Understanding the Business Environment

This Task requires you to research the organisation highlighted and then undertake a business environment analysis using appropriate business analysis tools/frameworks to identify critical issues facing the organisation both in the domestic and international market environments.

a) Discuss three reasons why it is imperative for your selected organisation to analyse the business environment it faces. Using the PESTEL framework, identify and explain at least five (5) important macro environmental influences currently affecting your chosen organisation.

b) Explain the importance of Porter’s Five (5)-Forces model. Using the Five-Forces model, examine the current behaviour of the selected organisation and explain what you believe to be the five (5) most critical influences arising from the competitive market environments, both nationally and internationally.


Task Four:

Referring to the Key Performance Indicators in the annual report of the organisation in

Task 3, evaluate the development of the business with reference to short-term and

long-term performance. In your own assessment, do you believe current growth

reporting practice is balanced in terms financial and non-financial measures of

performance? Justify your answer and provide recommendations for improvement.

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