Using the Activity Plan Sheet and the Medium-Term Plan attached in these files,write a Rationale, making specific references to the Curriculum of Wales Framework/s.

Using the Activity Plan Sheet and the Medium-Term Plan attached in these files,write a Rationale, making specific references to the Curriculum of Wales Framework/s.

Use this link : to go to Areas of Learning and Experience.

Click a topic then navigate to Description of Learning and Progression Step 1 is the one we use for the reception years.

A few theorists listed below can be added in Bruner, Bowlby, Montessori, Piaget, Vygotsky just to mention a few.

Title page, contents page,

introduction, rationale, session plan, medium term plan, critical, reflective evaluation, and self-reflection

Module learning outcomes

1. Critically discuss key pedagogical concepts, policy documents and theory that underpin the curricula in Wales for children 3-7 years.

2. Demonstrate knowledge of areas of learning relating to the curriculum in Wales for children 3-7 years.

3. Develop capability in planning, delivery and resourcing the curricula in Wales for children 3-7 years.

4. Reflect critically upon own views and experiences of the curricula for children 3-7 years

Report (LOs 1 and 4) = introduction, rationale, and critical, reflective evaluation – approximately 2,000 words.  For guidance, students may find the following helpful: introduction = approximately 150/200 words, rationale = 1,100 words, reflective evaluation = 700 words;

It is suggested that the following subheadings be used in the report to structure your written work: Introduction, Rationale, Critical, Reflective Evaluation and then References.

These should run concurrently (there is no need to use a new page for each section) except, of course, the reference list should be presented on a separate page;

• The report should be written in the third person. However, for the critical, reflective evaluation on your own personal views and professional development you may use the first person.

Rationale –

this should link directly to your medium term plan, learning and teaching session and resource.  It should begin with an explanation for your choice of Area of Learning or curriculum subject/s and make specific references to the curriculum framework/ in Wales.

It should include a critical analysis of issues which impact on learning and are relevant to your session, e.g., child development (with links to theory), pedagogical approaches (with links to theory), relevance of the choice of environment (indoor/outdoor), observation/assessment, etc.

Theory and practice should be linked, i.e. the practice (your planned session and resource) should be supported by educational theory.

It is important here to draw on any practical experience you may have and your learning in other modules;

Critical, reflective evaluation –

this should include an honest, critical, reflective evaluation of the learning and teaching session including the resource (e.g. considering such issues as its suitability for your chosen age and ability group, the appropriateness of the learning /teaching strategies, suitability of the resource/s used, whether the time scales were realistic and your personal and professional development through the module and its assessment, particularly in terms of your subject knowledge and professional practice).

This critical reflection should consider your own views and experiences of the curricula for children aged three to seven.  As the ‘presentation’ of the learning and teaching session/resource to peers is not an assessed element of the module, students should not dwell on their presentation skills and experience in the reflective element;

Reference list –

this should include any sources used, whether in the report, lesson plan or resource, and should be presented in the Harvard format.

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