Read the website links for this section. Provide a quick synopsis of the readings and provide your opinion about the effects COVID 19 had on these industries. Do you think that sports or entertainment should have continued, been canceled, etc.? Support your opinion.


Covid 19 has had a huge impact on life as we know it. It was particularly noticeable with entertainment and sports. People could no longer go to the movies, movie-making ceased, sports were viewed from monitors, NCAA college teams canceled their seasons, and many other things.

Read the website links for this section. Provide a quick synopsis of the readings and provide your opinion about the effects COVID 19 had on these industries. Do you think that sports or entertainment should have continued, been canceled, etc.? Support your opinion.

Respond to at least two of your classmates. Make sure your responses to your classmates are thoughtful. You are being graded on your responses to your classmates.

As you prepare your Discussion post, please make sure to address:

In a 3-5 (each paragraph should 3 sentences) paragraph written journal response, address the following points:

What is the article about?

Who does this topic or issue impact in the sports or entertainment industry?

Are there any future ramifications to the industry based on this article? If so, please give your insight.

Personally reflect on how you can benefit from the information in the article.

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