Compare and contrast your professional knowledge, skills and evaluation of assessment and treatment planning for people with complex health and care needs, to those of other professions.

Tasks: details and instructions: This module consists of two assessed tasks which are matched to the following learning outcomes for the module:

Task 1: A 1500-word critical reflection (40% of the overall module mark):

LO3: Using real life case studies, appraise how your own behaviour, values, beliefs, professional practice, and approach to decision making, enables the development of an integrated, person-centred approach

LO4: Evaluate how your professional knowledge and skills can complement those of other professions to provide person-centred, integrated care.

Task 2: An individual electronic poster (60%of the overall module mark)

Submission to Blackboard

LO1: Discuss how key health and social factors combine to result in complex health and care needs

LO2: Compare and contrast your professional knowledge, skills and evaluation of assessment and treatment planning for people with complex health and care needs, to those of other professions

This task requires you to create a two part electronic poster, drawn from your groupwork on an ongoing case study in order to address the learning outcomes above. More guidance can be found below, and in a screencast and FAQs in the Assessment section of the Blackboard site.

To successfully complete this assessment task, you will be required to work collaboratively in your pre-assigned seminar groups, collaborating to produce a holistic assessment of complex needs in an assigned case study, and to devise an integrated plan of intervention, drawing out themes of collaborative and person centred team work.

You will be required to produce evidence of your collaboration through participation in online forums such as PebblePad, Padlet, Google Communities, Zoom, WhatsApp, Blackboard Groups or Blackboard Collaborate etc. Two examples will be needed. These can be evidenced as links or QR codes

Using your given case study, as a collaborative team you will identify and discuss how key health and social factors have combined to result in complex health and care needs in their situation. You should share what EACH of your professions would be contributing AND compare and contrast your professional skills, knowledge and perspectives and discuss how you would work together collaboratively in order to develop a coordinated and integrated, person-centred plan for the person in your case study.

Your poster should therefore incorporate two key elements.

Element One

In the first element you should focus on the key health and social factors as identified through your team work (LO1)

Element Two

The second element should demonstrate how you would work collaboratively to develop a coordinated and integrated person-centred plan. (LO2)

Module learning outcomes: On successful completion of these tasks, you will be able to:

LO1: Discuss how key health and social factors combine to result in complex health and care needs

LO2: Compare and contrast your professional knowledge, skills and evaluation of assessment and treatment planning for people with complex health and care needs, to those of other professions

LO3: Using real life case studies, appraise how your own behaviour, values, beliefs, professional practice, and approach to decision making, enables the development of an integrated, person-centred approach

LO4: Evaluate how your professional knowledge and skills can complement those of other professions to provide person-centred, integrated care.


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