Which of the following assumptions would you need to test before you interpret the results of a one-way repeated measures ANOVA with 3 experimental conditions?

Question 1

Question text

An experimenter is interested in the effect of a new drug on alertness.  They gave half of their participants a stimulant, while the other half received a placebo.  Participants’ alertness was measured using a standardised questionnaire that they completed both before they took the drug, and 15 minutes after taking it.  What statistical test should be used to analyse the data collected from this study?

Select one:

⦁ Two-Way mixed ANOVA

⦁ Two-Way repeated measures ANOVA

⦁ One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA

⦁ Two-Way Independent ANOVA

Give reason for your choice:

Question 2
Question text
How many data points would each participant provide for an experiment which is analysed using an Independent Two-Way ANOVA? (Hint: think about how many columns you would need to enter their actual performance scores into when setting up an SPSS data file).
Select one:
⦁ 1
⦁ 2
⦁ 4
⦁ You can’t tell from the information provided

Question 3

Question text

Which of the following assumptions would you need to test before you interpret the results of a one-way repeated measures ANOVA with 3 experimental conditions?

Select one:

⦁ Sphericity
⦁ Homogeneity of variance
⦁ Neither sphericity nor homogeneity of variance
⦁ Both sphericity and homogeneity of variance
Give reason for your choice:

Question 9

Description A line graph is presented. There is a title “Scree Plot” at the top. The vertical axis is labelled “Eigenvalue” and is marked from 0.0 to 5.0 at intervals of 0.5. The horizontal axis goes from 1 to 14 in intervals of 1. The general trend of the line is downwards dropping sharply from 1 to 5 on the horizontal axis and from 4.7 to 0.4 on the vertical axis. Then declines in a shallower manner from 5 to 14 on the horizontal axis from 0.4 to 0.2 on the vertical axis.
Looking at the above Scree Plot, what would be the most sensible number of factors to retain?

Select one:

⦁ 2
⦁ 3
⦁ 4
⦁ 5

Question 11

Which of the following tests allows you to measure the internal consistency of a measure?

Select one:

⦁ Inter-rater reliability
⦁ Split-half reliability
⦁ Alternate forms reliability
⦁ Test-retest reliability
Give reason for your answer:

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