Prepare a 2-3 page summary of your recommendations. Be sure to include suitable sources to justify the rationale for your decision.

Assignment – Budget Summary


For this assignment. you viii review the following scenario and prepare a written summary of your recommendations. ABC Temp Devices is a domestic and global producer of temperature monitors. Based upon the influx of domestic and global comps monitors; demand has recently skyrocketed. The importance of the managerial accounting department has been brought to the foref preliminary information on the new business developments. ABC’s major competitor is t23 Engineering Laboratories: located in Pull:

Imagine that you are the head of ABCs managerial accounting department. The CEO has asked you to recommend an operating bu the leading competitor in the market: as well as recommend a cost system appropriate for the product.


Prepare a 2-3 page summary of your recommendations. Be sure to include suitable sources to justify the rationale for your decision.

• Recommend a budget type.

• Recommend at least one financial benchmark you think the CEO of ABC should consider. Provide a rationale for your response

• Recommend a cost system appropriate for the product.

• Provide an explanation of the budgeting rationale you proposed and why you believe your suggestions will put the company ir competitors. Remember to reference the financial benchmark. budget type: and cost system in your explanation.

• Use one source to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant: and appropriate. Cite each source listed c your assignment.

For help with research, writing. and citation: access the librariy or review library guides.

This course requires the use of Strayer ‘Writing Standards.

For assistance and information: refer to the Strayer Writing Stand

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

• Recommend a budget type: benchmarks, and a cost system implementation plan for an organization.

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