What personality differences do you see between you and one of your sisters/brothers/ or cousins? Describe the behaviors and activities which illustrate personality differences. Do you see these personality differences lead to difference choices of college majors?Discuss

Research and write a one-page paper on each questions below.

Main Question 1:

What personality differences do you see between you and one of your sisters/brothers/ or cousins? Describe the behaviors and activities which illustrate personality differences. Do you see these personality differences lead to difference choices of college majors?

Question 2. Apply in Management

Conduct a personality test of yourself or someone you know, and offer your analyses and thoughts on personality and management. Should personality test be used in management like hiring, promoting, and/or staffing employees?

There are many free personality tests available on the internet and this is one of them:


Case 3.1 is a case that asks exactly this question of applying personality in management.

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