Briefly talk about whether you think the piece is effective or not-imagine yourself to be the audience.

Mini-Rhetorical Analysis of Inside LilNasX’s Record-Breaking, Culture-Changing Summer


This does not have to be very formal. You may use casual language or the first person. You may also just copy and paste the questions into a word document and type your answers below each question. This does not have to be formatted like a formal essay.

Who is the rhetor (or author) of this piece? Do you find them credible? You may consider the author themselves and/or the general source. Who would you consider to be the audience for this piece?

What is the argument of your chosen source? What is the source trying to do or what is its purpose?

How are they making this argument? Primarily ethos, pathos, logos?

Briefly talk about whether you think the piece is effective or not-imagine yourself to be the audience. Remember that an argument can be effective and you still disagree with it or it can be ineffective even if you generally agree with what it is saying. You also do not have to agree with every source here.

Finally, what is the context/situation/greater themes and discussion surrounding this piece? For example, Crash is a film about a set of characters but deals with a greater discussion and context of prejudice, community, stereotypes, and police brutality in a post 9-11 world. What do you think is the greater discussion and context of your piece? This is a tricky one so don’t worry if you feel unsure of your response.

Relate your choice to Social Sustainability.


If you need more sources that is fine.

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