Listed are common Sources of Point Source and Nonpoint Source Water Pollution in the United States. Read through each of the items and in a word or google document state whether each is a point source or nonpoint source water pollutant.Describe why each is a problem and finally, describe ways that each of these sources of water pollution can/could be reduced.

Listed are common Sources of Point Source and Nonpoint Source Water Pollution in the United States. Read through each of the items and in a word or google document state whether each is a point source or nonpoint source water pollutant. Then describe why each is a problem and finally, describe ways that each of these sources of water pollution can/could be reduced.

1. 23 million septic-tank systems 2. pesticides from cropland. 3. storm-water runoff including oil, gasoline, dog feces, and litter from city and suburban streets. 4. highway construction and maintenance, including eroding soil and toxic chemicals 5. 190,000 storage lagoons for polluted waste 6. 9,000 municipal landfills 7. about 2 million underground storage tanks containing pollutants such as gasoline. 8. 50 million tons of fertilizer applied to crops, lawns and golf courses every year. 9. 10 million tons of dry salt applied to highways for snow and ice control every year. 10. thousands of public and industrial wastewater treatment plants.

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