Based on the Big Five Personality Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) you have completed, discuss how your scores on these traits might affect your work.  

Managing , evaluating and developing human resources


Topic- Training Program Analysis – stress management

Introduction – 50 words

Scope / Purpose – 60 words

Objectives – 60 words

Instructions – Group assign –

Assessment 1 –

Draft Proposal and Oral Presentation ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION Report: 500 Words Max (15%)

The aim of this assignment is for students to undertake a strategic case review proposal at their workplace or designated organisation for a recently completed or ongoing Training Program. This proposal is the first assignment and will be the foundation to develop subsequent assignments.

The proposal will provide the basis for a more developed applied research training analysis program and its implementation. Students who are unable to negotiate access to local workplaces will be included in groups where a workplace is identified and in extreme situation will be allowed to choose a case from the academic literature or review a documented program undertaken at a past employer

Multimedia Presentation and/or website tour (15%) (10 minute) It should cover the scope and objectives of this assignment, methodology used, key literature sources, reporting and analysis of findings from the investigation process and an action plan and /or recommendations.

Part 2

Based on the Big Five Personality Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) you have completed, discuss how your scores on these traits might affect your work.

In what ways can the strengths you have make a positive impact?
Are there any areas that might cause problems and what can you do about it?

Part 3

Session Key Discussion 3B: Learning Style Exploration

Based on the Learning Style Inventory Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) you have completed:

Discuss what methods you can use to get the most out of your learning style to be successful learners.

Part 2

In what ways can the strengths you have make a positive impact?Are there any areas that might cause problems and what can you do about it?

Part 3

Discuss what methods you can use to get the most out of your learning style to be successful learners.

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