Identify and share a brief quote, concept, or idea introduced in Module 5 Readings & Resources that is of particular relevance to you.


The purpose of this Discussion for students to put a voice to their understanding of assigned course materials and to engage in scholarly discussion about those understandings with other informed scholars by identifying and explaining both connections between course materials and their own personal lives/”real world” outside of the classroom as well as connections between course materials.

Task(s): Post, Question, Discuss

POST: Posts should be written in two distinct sections: Personal & Content


Identify and share a brief quote, concept, or idea introduced in Module 5 Readings & Resources that is of particular relevance to you. (one sentences)

Possibilities include but are not limited to information that is personally meaningful, applicable to a personal experience, related to learning in another class, applies to a current or sociopolitical event

Explain, in detail, how the shared quote/concept/idea is personally relevant. (one paragraph)


Identify and share two brief quotes, concepts, or ideas that are related. One must be a quote, concept, or idea introduced Module 5 Readings & Resources and the other must be from another piece of course material presented in Modules 1-4. (one-two sentences)

Explain, with specificity, how the shared quotes/concepts/ideas are connected to each other.

Grading Criteria

Expectations and Criteria for Success:

Posts are submitted before the due date/time.

Posts are formatted into two distinct sections: Personal & Content

A brief quote/concept/idea from the assigned reading is clearly identified in the Personal section.

Personal relevance is clearly explained and includes details.

A brief quote/concept/idea from Module 5 Reading & Resources is clearly identified in the Content section.

A brief quote/concept/idea from a piece of course material presented in Modules 1-5 is clearly identified in the Content section.

The connection between the related quotes/concepts/ideas is clearly explained and specific

Citations are accurately executed in one of the following styles: MLA.


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