Critique an article reporting on an evaluation from any academic journal or agency technical report that are accessible.

Critical Review Paper


The assessment will be a critical review of an evaluation implemented. Select the evaluation using academic journals.

The critique of the evaluation should be prepared in the following format:

a. A brief description of the article/ evaluation and its focus and findings;

b. Identification of the key evaluation questions addressed;

c. A brief summary of the research design and data collection methods used;

d. A systematic list of threats to the: measurement validity, measurement reliability, internal validity, external validity, and statistical conclusion validity. Note that the threats should be clearly presented, for example, do not simply state “Hawthorne Effect,” but clarify how/why that threat occurred.

e. The threats should be labeled as: those that the authors acknowledged and addressed; threats the authors acknowledged but did not address; and those the authors did not acknowledge.

f. Your summary observations of methodological issues in evaluation from this exercise.

g. Reflection on learning points and their potential application.

h. Citation list


The evaluation report to be critiqued must present results about an impact or outcome evaluation of an existing program, not an article about how to conduct surveys or research, nor a formative evaluation.

Critique an article reporting on an evaluation from any academic journal or agency technical report that are accessible.

Compare across 2 or more peer-reviewed articles in Journals; or, select an evaluation report available on agency websites.

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