Define the stage in your own words and give two examples of how a teacher can help a student/child progress through the stage you have chosen

1. Regarding the three teaching/parenting styles (Authoritarian. Authoritative and/or Permissive),  share a short story about a time that you may have experienced one of these styles as a student What was the outcome?

2. jean Piaget’s developmental stages…
– The Sensorimotor Stage
– The Preoperational Stage
– The Concrete Operational Stage
– The Formal Operational Stage
Choose only one of the stages…

Define the stage in your own words and give two examples of how a teacher can help a student/child progress through the stage you have chosen

3. Given what you know about multiple intelligence- what would you do during a first-grade math lesson on counting money to address at least 4 of Gardener’s intelligence?

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