Can we understand a fragment of the building as a fragment of the city ? How does the building reflect and relate to the city, and its memories? How does the building reflects the technologies of a particular time?

In this essay you will write about ONE London Building

– Barbican Centre (1982) designed by Chamberlin, Powel and Bon EC2Y 8DS

Questions to consider

a) Can we understand a fragment of the building as a fragment of the city ? How does the building reflect and relate to the city, and its memories? How does the building reflects the technologies of a particular time?

b) Who is the author, audience, user? and to what extent did the architect(s) consider and integrate contemporary history and theory in the design of the building?

c) How did changing history and theory impact on the design evolution of the building? How has the building evolved from the design stage to the present? Which language is being informed?

Your essay must consist of:

– An abstract of 500 words;

– A clear introduction to the subject matter, aims and structure of your essay; (350-450w)

– A series of coherently organised sections through which the discussion and argument of the
essay are developed; (2700-3200w)

– A conclusion that summarises the essay’s key points and effectively draws these together in a concluding statement; (200-300w)

– Between 5 and 10 images, numbered and titled, and referenced within the main body of the text as appropriate;

– A bibliography/account of sources;

– Harvard Referencing System;

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