How has the DVD box set and, more recently, online streaming transformed the production of television and the experience of viewing? Are there any differences between these two modes of delivery or do they simply do the same thing?Explain

Film history essay


Sherry B. Ortner (2012) suggests that American independent filmmakers produce films that are, in many respects, ‘against Hollywood’. How does My Own Private Idaho both reinforce and problematise this proposition?


American Independent Cinema: New Queer Cinema My Own Private Idaho (Gus van Sant, USA 1991)

Film Link:


Rich, B. Ruby (1992) ‘New Queer Cinema’, Sight and Sound, September 1992

Further Reading:
Diawara, Manthia (Ed.) (1993) Black American Cinema, London: Routledge Holmlund, Christine (Ed.) (2004) Contemporary American Independent Film: From the Margins to the Mainstream, London: Routledge King, Geoff (2003) American Independent Cinema, London: I.B. Taurus
King, Geoff (2013) Indie 2.0, London: I.B. Taurus  Marubbio, M. Elise (Ed.) (2013) Native Americans on Film: Conversations, Teaching and Theory,
University of Kentucky Press



How has the DVD box set and, more recently, online streaming transformed the production of television and the experience of viewing? Are there any differences between these two modes of delivery or do they simply do the same thing?



The Wire (season 1, episodes 1 and 2, 2002, USA)  Higher resolution copies available below
via Panopto

Assigned reading:

Matt Hills, ‘From the Box in the Corner to the Box Set on the Shelf’, New Review of Film and
Television Studies, Vol. 5, no. 1, (April 2007), pp. 41-60

Further reading:

James Bennett & Tom Brown [eds], Film and Television After DVD (Routledge, 2009)

John Caldwell, ‘Convergence Television: Aggregating Form and Repurposing Content in the Culture of
Conglomeration’, in Lynn Spigel & Jan Olsson (eds), Television after TV (Duke University Press, 2004),
pp. 41-74 John Ellis, TV FAQ: Uncommon Answers to Common Questions about TV (I.B. Tauris, 2007)

Derek Kompare (2006) Publishing Flow: DVD Box sets and the Reconception of Television. Television and New Media, Vol. 7 (4), pp. 335-360.

Amanda D. Lotz, The Television Will Be Revolutionized: 2nd Edition (NYU Press, 2014)

Kevin McDonald & Daniel Smith-Rowsey, The Netflix Effect: Technology and Entertainment in the 21st Century (Bloomsbury, 2016)

Chuck Tryon, On-Demand Culture: Digital Delivery and the Future of Movies (Rutgers, 2013)

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