Prepare an Individual project report on a brand of your choice.

Brand Management


An Individual project report on a brand of your choice. The brand must only currently be available in a limited amount of countries or a particular region and must have a physical market offering/s. The case study should be no more than 4000 words and must be completed individually.

The assignments must contain the following components:

Part 1) Brand Analysis

Brand Introduction

Brand Portfolio / Availability

Brand Elements

Brand Equity (Keller’s CBBE model)

Brand Mantra

Part 2) International Market Analyses

SLEPT analyses of 3 culturally distinct markets which the brand could potentially enter

Competitor analyses for each market

Part 3) Strategy for Market Entry

Selection and justification of new international market to enter

Recommended market entry strategy

Recommendations for standardisation or Adaption (Marketing mix framework)

Intended Points of Parity (POP) and Points of Differentiation (POD)

Presentation) Range and quality of sources, use of Harvard style referencing, clarity of writing and presentation, quality of discussion

Remember to integrate the academic models and theories into your projecty by applying them to the brand case. You will need to appropriately reference to these models using Harvard referencing style – in-text and in the final reference list.

You are encouraged to use (appropriately image referenced) images and figures to help you illustrate your case study. These images and figures do not count towards the wordcount, nor do tables, references (in-text and reference list), headings, subheadings or titles.

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