Analyze and interpret the relevant information in the above scenario. Evaluate the information to determine three alternative solutions that you could propose to improve the supply chain performance for your new company. Summarize your response in a 1 to 2-page essay.

Topic: Improving Supply Chain Performance

Read: the following two resources found in the Module 2 Assigned Reading.

The essentials of supply chain management: Chapter 2: Supply chain operations: Planning and sourcing The demand-driven supply chain: Making it work and delivering results.

Scenario: Imagine that you have just been hired as the supply chain manager for a regional furniture retailer with stores in Florida and Georgia.

The company is struggling with demand management problems related to poor inventory control, a drop in service level to customers, write-offs and so forth. Your new job comes with a big salary, but the CEO expects you to come up with specific strategies to reduce inventory, improve delivery performance, and reduce overall supply chain costs.


Analyze and interpret the relevant information in the above scenario. Evaluate the information to determine three alternative solutions that you could propose to improve the supply chain performance for your new company. Summarize your response in a 1 to 2-page essay.

Your paper should comply with APA formatting guidelines.

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