Discuss the influence of COVID-19 on exchange rates around the world. Assess the extent to which government interventions have stabilised the effects of COVID-19 shock on exchange rates.

Discuss the influence of COVID-19 on exchange rates around the world. Assess the extent to which government interventions have stabilised the effects of COVID-19 shock on exchange rates.


Financial Direct Investments

Books for the subject:

Bekaert, Geert and Robert Hodrick, International Financial Management, international, second edition (2012). Pearson Education.

Madura, Jeff and Roland Fox, International Financial Management, 4th edition (2017). Cengage Learning.

Papers for the subject:

Feng, G.F., Yang, H.C., Gong, Q. and Chang, C.P., 2021. What is the exchange rate volatility response to COVID-19 and government interventions?. pp.705-719.

Feng, G.F., Yang, H.C., Gong, Q. and Chang, C.P., 2021. What is the exchange rate volatility response to COVID-19 and government interventions?. pp.705-719.

Ilzetzki, E., Reinhart, C.M. and Rogoff, K.S., 2020. Will the Secular Decline in Exchange Rate and Inflation Volatility Survive COVID-19? (No. w28108). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Konstantakis, K.N., Melissaropoulos, I.G., Daglis, T. and Michaelides, P.G., 2021. The euro to dollar exchange rate in the Covid‐19 era: Evidence from spectral causality and Markov-switching estimation.

International Journal of Finance & Economics Economic Analysis and Policy, 69. pp. 1-19.

Makin, A.J. and Layton, A., 2021. The global fiscal response to COVID-19: Risks and repercussions., pp.340-349

Please let me know if you need any more information. Thank you!!

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