These findings are common to businesses thought the world including Papua New Guinea. For your essay, select one of these findings as your topic, research into it and write your essay on it.

Misuse of company time

Listed below, according to the Ethics Research Center (ERC) study, are the five most frequently observed unethical behaviors in the U.S. workplace.

Misusing company time. …
Abusive behavior. …
Employee theft. …
Lying to employees. …
Violating company internet policies.
(26 Jan 2015)

These findings are common to businesses thought the world including Papua New Guinea. For your essay, select one of these findings as your topic, research into it and write your essay on it.

i) The one you select must be relevant to your workplace or organisation.
ii) Your writing must follow the accepted academic writing format or structure i.e must

Length: – Between 3 and 4000 words

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