Explain the unique changes that can occur to muscles of the pelvic floor during pregnancy and vaginal delivery. Include consideration of factors that have contributed to these changes, and what this might mean if Nikki starts jogging.

Anatomy and Physiology

Task 1. Case Study B: Nikki


Nikki is 32 years old, and she is pregnant with her first baby. She lives in Queensland, is in her third trimester, and has been advised to rest as much as possible. Nikki has been well overall, and plans to focus on losing some weight soon after her baby is born. She intends to have a vaginal delivery.

1. Although Nikki usually enjoys the summer lifestyle in Queensland, this year she is very uncomfortable with the heat.

Interpret Nikki’s thermoregulation with regards to:

the normal structure and function of her skin last summer (prior to pregnancy).
a comparison between her thermoregulation last summer, and how her thermoregulation is different this summer during pregnancy.

2. Some time after her baby is born, Nikki will consider reducing her carbohydrate intake as an approach for weight loss.

Select any two processes that are involved in the digestion and/or absorption of carbohydrates. Describe what (physiology) and where (anatomy) each process is occurring. Describe these separately (use one paragraph per process).

Nikki intends to commence exercising after her baby is born, by taking walks with her baby, and later introduce jogging, which was her favourite way of exercising when she was a teenager.

Using patient-friendly terminology that Nikki will be able to follow:

Provide an explanation of how aerobic and anaerobic cell respiration can be used by skeletal muscles during exercise. Include an explanation of the preferred type of respiration in skeletal muscle cells, and why it is preferred.

Explain the unique changes that can occur to muscles of the pelvic floor during pregnancy and vaginal delivery. Include consideration of factors that have contributed to these changes, and what this might mean if Nikki starts jogging.

4. In her first trimester, Nikki suffered with hyperemesis gravidarum. She struggled to keep hydrated, and was prescribed a medication to reduce nausea and vomiting. This medication stimulates gastric (stomach) motility, without affecting gastric, biliary or pancreatic secretions. Using your knowledge of the structure and function of the digestive system:

Explain the normal functions of motility throughout the gastrointestinal tract.

Explain how stimulating gastric motility can be beneficial in reducing nausea and vomiting.
In consideration of Nikki’s preference to have avoided all medications while pregnant, compare potential advantages and disadvantages of taking this medication during her pregnancy.

Focus your response on Nikki’s digestive system function, and how that relates to broader consequences for both Nikki and her unborn baby.


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