Choose one scenario from the story in the book and analyse aspects of it in relation to the use of effective interpersonal skills.

Interpersonal Skills for Managing Practice Reflective assignment


Read the book ‘Counselling for Toads’ – this book can be accessed on-line as an e-book through Usearch.
Board, R.D. (1998) Counselling for Toads. Routledge, London. UK

Choose one of the questions below to analyse your practice; reference to the book is expected.

Choose question A, B, C or D.

A. Choose one scenario from the story in the book and analyse aspects of it in relation to the use of effective interpersonal skills.

Discuss how aspects of the book relate to the development of your counselling skills in  practical/professional setting.

B. Assess what ego states you recognise in yourself in different situations and how an understanding of these helps your awareness and development.

Analyse what interpersonal communications skills you feel you have developed. Discuss any skills that you would like to develop further in the workplace.

C. Assess the interpersonal skills Heron used in the book.

Discuss how the book has developed your own awareness of your skills in a practical/professional setting.

D. Write a future chapter to the book where Toad is working in a practical setting and reflects on what he has learnt in order to develop his interpersonal skills. Relate these skills to your own development.


Ensure that you carry out a grammar/spell check on your work – you will lose marks for poor communication skills.

This essay can be written in the ‘first person’

Focus on attention to detail, quality of work and overall academic standards.
For additional guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available on Canvas.

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